Monday, February 28, 2011

How To Masterbait With A Banana

Saillans 26340: you do not want the supermarket ....

country Saillans Drôme (26 340)
Engaged since October against the proposed installation of a commercial area on the outskirts of the village of Saillans, citizens of the Community of communes of the Country Saillans (2000 inhabitants) will return in a few days a letter requesting a consultation voters.
Despite a petition gathered over 850 signatures, despite numerous arrests of elected public representatives to the community council, despite the apparent lack of arguments in favor of a commercial area on the outskirts of Saillans the council of the Community of communes of Saillans voted on February 3, before an audience of more than 200 people, for the installation of a large commercial sign on the business area The Tuilière.
Residents Saillans and ten other municipalities in the LMCC have therefore decided to use a tool of direct democracy little used: the consultation of voters.
This procedure is codified in Articles L. 1112-15 L. 1112-22 CGCT (General Code of local authorities). A fifth of voters may request that the issue of consultation is included in the agenda of the Community Commons. Therefore, it elected to deliberate or cons for organizing such a consultation.
far, the silence of the elected majority was only matched by the character authoritarian decisions. A consultation of voters in the territory of the Community of communes of Saillans have the advantage of giving the floor to the entire population, highlighting the arguments of each other, and know the position of the majority of voters .
The people behind this initiative of participatory democracy that politicians hope will make every effort to develop an active policy of sustainable development, social and commercial heart of villages.
Christian Caron
Street new door
26340 Saillans
04 75 21 68 32
press kit available
the attention of the Chair of the Community of communes of the country Saillans (CCPS).
Subject: public consultation , articles L1112-15 et seq of the General Code of Territorial Articles R5211-42 et seq fifth part CGCT.
Madam Speaker,
For several months, the issue of developing a commercial area on the outskirts of Saillans is debate within the population of Commons members of the CCPS.
A very strong and tireless citizen engagement revealed that the issue concerns us all and we are conscious of the inevitable consequences of such an orientation of economic policy the LMCC, medium and long terms, on the economic and social Saillans and nearby municipalities.
Whereas the elected representatives of the LMCC have officially expressed, albeit at a secret ballot, February 3, 2011, in favor of such a development, by a vote of deliberation "The area of economic activity Tuilière - Lot 1 shopping destination, and Lot 3,
us, voters of the member municipalities of the Community of communes of the country Saillans ask that hearing the voice of the people, and that for that is listed in the agenda of the next community council deliberation on the organization of a consultation with voters on "whether the sale of lots in the area Tuilière The activities to a company within the retail sector."
We hope, through the practice of participatory democracy, giving voice to all people, know the position of the majority of voters, and we hope to contribute to this urgent need, to be that of elected , defuse the situation, to avoid conflicts and recurring unhealthy due to the silence of elected officials the expression and mobilization of a large number of citizens.
accordance with case law (Judgement No. 0,504,266, the Administrative Tribunal of Marseille), you hereby request signed by 1 / 5 of voters required to include in the agenda of the next board Community principle and the modalities for organizing the consultation.
Believe me, Madam Speaker, the sincerity of our democratic process.
Maiden Name
Inscribed on the electoral list of the common


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